
These guidelines have been created by the Barbican Studio, which is the in-house design team at the Barbican Centre, London. The Studio creates most of the visual material for the Centre. It is based in the Marketing Department and consists of four permanent designers.

The current structure of the design team was created in 2011 and coincides with a major rebranding project undertaken by North. The philosophy of the team is based on the visual guidelines North created at the time. These set out a flexible system influenced by the Centre’s vision of ‘arts without boundaries’ and includes strong visual elements that allow freedom and diversity.

For further information contact design@barbican.org.uk



Young Barbican

Password strength: strong

Young Programmers

Your Parent/Carer's details (required if you are under 18 years old)

If you are in formal education or belong to a youth group, please fill in the contact details for your school, college, university or youth group below.

Do you have any access needs? Please describe them.

Are you currently in full-time or part-time employment or attending a full time or part time educational course? Please describe your work, educational commitments.

The following questions ask you to talk about yourself and why you would benefit from this programme.

If you would like to answer through a video selfie, please include a link to a Dropbox location in the text boxes below. Be sure to answer all the questions.

Write a short review about a film you've seen recently. Why did you like/or hate it? How is it unique or different from other films? Who would you recommend go to see it?

Tell us about an online film event you would like to screen on the Barbican platform and what makes it relevant now? It could be an old film or a new release. It could be an international feature film or short film made by someone you know. Please include details of either Q&A, panel discussion or other.

Please give us an idea of how you would market the above film event. Which audience(s) you are programming for?

Are you currently studying film, working in the film sector or part of a national organisation? (This is not necessary in order to apply, we are asking for our own monitoring purposes)

Equal opportunities monitoring

These are a few questions that help us ensure all aspects of our work reflect diversity and support equality of opportunity. Sharing this information is completely optional but it does help us know who we are reaching and figure out the gaps in our communication and recruitment. It also helps us to ensure that there is no discrimination. Any information you provide us is used for monitoring purposes only.

The Equality Act 2010 defines disability as 'a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial long term effect on a person's ability to carry out normal day to day activities.'

Your submission of this form to Barbican Guildhall Creative Learning will constitute your confirmation of the following declaration:
  • I hereby confirm that the information I have given in this application is true and correct
  • I confirm my availability for the programme as per the dates given above
  • I agree that the Barbican may, for administrative purposes only, make copies of any material submitted in support of my application.
  • I agree to the Barbican processing personal data as part of the applications, registration, and learning support processes and accept that this information will be retained during and following my participation for administering my progress and for the provision of statistical returns.
  • By submitting this form, you give the Barbican permission to store and process your data in accordance with our privacy policy.